My Sabotage

🤖 I developed an IOS app without prior knowledge of a programming language

The app, My Sabotage, is designed to help us track and reduce our daily self-destructive behaviours. We tend to engage in these habits more often than we think, and they could accelerate our aging process and lead to potential health problems.

This idea was inspired by Bryan Johnson’s challenge to avoid Self-Aided Destruction (SAD) behaviours for a week. His “Blueprint” program has shown how reducing these behaviours can slow down the pace of aging and improve overall health.

During the development of My Sabotage AI not only automated the coding process with Flutter but also provided inputs for creative elements like pictures, UI practices and texts.

In the end, My Sabotage is not just an app, but a statement. A call for us to evaluate our lifestyle choices and work towards reducing our daily self-destruction.

Download the app for IOS