Interviewing a Software Developer: Key Qualities to Look For Link to heading

Recently, I’ve co-participated in an interview for a software developer position. I want to share with you what was important to our team, and I believe it’s important for every team.

1. Ability to Clarify Things Link to heading

When providing tasks to developers, it’s crucial that they have the ability to ask the right questions to ensure they fully understand the requirements, since even the toughest project managers can lose details.

Task Example:

Your task is to implement a “dark mode” feature for our mobile app.

Expected Outcome: The candidate should ask clarifying questions such as:

  • Should the dark mode be activated manually by the user or automatically based on the time of day?
  • Are there specific colors or themes already decided for dark mode?
  • Do we need to update the existing UI elements like icons and text for dark mode compatibility?
  • Should the setting for dark mode be saved for future sessions?

2. Problem Solver and Communicative Link to heading

A developer’s ability to handle sudden changes or challenges is crucial, especially in a fast-paced environment.

Task Example:

Imagine the client suddenly demands a new feature to be implemented within a tight deadline, but adding this feature could introduce several bugs and delay the ongoing sprint. How would you handle this situation?

Expected Outcome: The candidate should:

  • Identify the potential risks and challenges.
  • Suggest actionable solutions like negotiating timelines, prioritizing tasks, or offering alternative features.

3. Uses AI for Tasks Link to heading

If you haven’t incorporated AI into your workflow by now, you’re significantly behind the curve.


When was the last time you used ChatGPT or another AI tool, and for what?

Expected Outcome: The candidate should describe a specific instance where they’ve leveraged ChatGPT or another tool to streamline a process, generate content, or address a particular challenge.

4. Understanding the Difference Between Agile and Waterfall Link to heading

This is fundamental for any developer, as these methodologies guide the software development process. Candidates should be able to explain the pros and cons of each and in what scenarios they’d use one over the other.

5. Understanding of Core Technology in Business Link to heading

A developer should understand how the technologies they work with align with the business’s goals. This ensures that the technical solutions they propose and implement drive the company forward.

In conclusion, interviewing a software developer is not just about assessing their coding skills. It’s about understanding their problem-solving capabilities, their ability to communicate, and their adaptability in the face of challenges. These qualities, combined with technical expertise, make for an invaluable team member.